Light moves, light moves us. Light is physics and poetry.
The speed of Light is a physical law that touches our soul.
Light needs darkness to play upon.
The projects presented in this gallery are sculptural works, live performances and installations with light.
The importance of good lighting will be paramount to the success of all future architectural and urban projects.
Daylighting, shading and artificial lighting, together with the protection of darkness, will merge as a holistic planning process.
As the size of the lighting sources and products decrease in volume and at the same time increase in their interactive effectivity and preciseness the importance of the architect, lighting architect / artist as mediator in the building process will increase.
SSL offers us a new urban Light / Night-scape where exact planning and execution is possible.
A new age of „Re-Darkness“ is now possible with the new technologies available.
Lighting pollution can be reduced and lighting concepts can be created to express the spirit, the poetic character of a city.