Light and Word, cities by the sea

Light and Word, cities by the sea

Light Performance by Ruairí O’Brien Three arts, one theme: Ronald Lippok (sound), Thomas Kunst (lyrics) and Ruairí O’Brien (light) presented the BARDINALE theme “Cities by the Sea” in 2005. The focus was on the diversity of poetic forms of expression and at the same time the uniqueness of poetry, sound art and light poetry was emphasized. The three artistic interpretations were presented in separate sequences so that the audience had the chance to experience and compare the implementation of one and the same theme in three poetic expressions. The temporal and content-related dramaturgy of this total work of art allowed each genre the greatest possible scope for creativity and sole attention.

Speech-light-sound performance

Speech-light-sound performance

“Tocame y te recito – Play me, I’ll write you” The photos show excerpts from the language-light-sound performance TÓCAME Y TE RECITO – PLAY ME, I PERFORM YOU, with Ruairí O’Brien, on September 15th, 7:30 p.m. in the German Hygiene Museum Dresden. Based on texts by the Spanish poet Juan Carlos Valle “Karlotti” and poems by Itha K., spoken by Vanessa Vidal (Spain) and Juan Carlos Valle “Karlotti” (Spain), the musician Günter Heinz created together with Ruairí O’Brien (Light Poetry) a language-sound-light performance of the highest intensity. Photos: Peter Fischer

Interaktivroom 3+4

Interaktivroom 3+4

Architecture-theater-dance project in the Dresden Project Theater Movable boxes measuring one square meter with dancers moving in and out of the rooms that can be stacked and changed to create a variety of scenes. Questions such as: How much space does a person need or does the interaction of people with their built environment influence our interaction with one another. Inside and outside, day and night, light and darkness, security and risk, communication and non-communication, loneliness and togetherness were all part of an “architectural dance”. The architecture-theater-dance project was performed at the project theater in Dresden. Visitors moved freely through the city/landscape architecture and interacted with the dancers. The boxes were examples of simple, low budget, affordable architecture. The production is Ruairí O’Brien’s first “microarchitecture” project and the precursor to his micromuseum® series.

Light Poetry 2

Light Poetry 2

Light Projects

Nordfriedhof Chapel, Dresden

Nordfriedhof Chapel, Dresden

Light installation benefit concert

The photos show the light installation by Ruairí O’Brien for the benefit concert for the preservation of the listed Dresden North Cemetery, which took place on July 16, 2016 in the cemetery chapel there. Tina Schnabel read a selection of letters from soldiers from the First World War, accompanied by Agneta Kroggel on the cello. With his light installation, Ruairí O’Brien would like to support the Denk Mal Fort initiative! e.V. to support the preservation of historical cemeteries worth preserving.