Old Leipzig Train Station

Old Leipzig Train Station

Art – architecture – lighting concept for the Dresden North memorial area – competition entry The LICHTERTÄHLER concept is an expression of an immersive culture of remembrance. The light/shadow sculptures, which can be executed at different heights, dimensions and angles, intertwine the historical past with the sensual present, mark relationship interdependencies between the places of memory and involve visitors in a direct, low-threshold way through interaction with solar geometry. The urban planning dimensioning takes into account the importance of the topic and the scale of the area/the respective location. The aesthetic language expresses the existential harshness and force of historical events, making the perpetrator’s attitude and victim feeling palpable. The light counter objects form a roof, are flexible anchor points, create microclimatic, sensually and cognitively stimulating spaces for a variety of individual and collective, analog, media and digital interventions, reflections and activities. A variety of light guidance and control variants can be played using a light-shadow plan with narrative dramaturgy.

The Glass House

The Glass House

Competition Commandant’s Villa Sachsenburg Concentration Camp In 2021, we took part in the competition to redesign the “Commander’s Villa” in the Sachsenburg Concentration Camp Memorial with this entry. Short concept/explanation At the beginning of the day, the camp’s prisoners were brought to the central courtyard, the roll call area. From there the prisoners had a clear view of the commandant’s house, where the commandant lived with his family. And from his house the commandant had a view of the prisoners who had to line up in the yard. In the post-war years, this line of sight was blocked by the construction of another garage between the commandant’s house and the square. In our article we made two suggestions. 1. Installing a billboard with the image of the Commandant’s House restores the visual connection between the house and the square. 2. The initiators of the competition stated that the commandant’s house should be demolished to the level of the base and the basement of the house should be filled. Our proposal was to replace the commander’s house with a glass house that would reflect the shape and volume of the original. This glass house should be used to grow plants, fruit and vegetables and serve as a meeting, learning and activity space for young people. Competition entry together with Susan Donath

Slaughterhouse-Five, Messe Dresden

Slaughterhouse-Five, Messe Dresden

Memory wall and information light sculpture The artistically designed information light sculpture/memorial wall “Slaughterhouse Five” is visited every year by tourists from all over the world. In the basement of what was then the slaughterhouse, the American author Kurt Vonnegut – like his protagonist Billy Pilgrim – survived the Allied bombing raid on Dresden on February 13, 1945 as a prisoner of war. Using the multimedia literary sculpture, the viewer can experience the metamorphosis of the city of Dresden. Through the artful layering of drawings, paintings, photos and city map extracts, embedded in a complex grid made of wood and plexiglass, different time levels in the city’s history and at the same time the collage-like nature of the novel become visible. When lit from behind, the structure appears three-dimensional, with light and shadow becoming part of a larger image.

Re-Thinking Bismarck

Re-Thinking Bismarck

The artistic and design concept is an expression of an immersive culture of remembrance that stimulates a productive, critical discourse on different levels about the impact of the colonial-nationalist-ethnicist Bismarck Monument. The spatial light/shadow sculpture intertwines the historical past with the sensual present, marks relationship interdependencies and involves visitors in a direct, low-threshold way through interaction with solar geometry. Light and shadow – reflection, change, time. The object forms an overarching physical and artistic-philosophical roof for the mediation work taking place on site and the examination of Bismarck’s work, the historical context and the previous reception history. The urban planning dimensioning takes into account the importance of the topic and the scale of the area and the location (monument object and park area) in order to create visibility and contextual context. The object creates a long-distance and close-up effect and breaks with conventional expectations. The design language and surprising positioning trigger attention through irritation and thus question the massive presence and emotional impact of the monument. The light/shadow object forms a roof and creates a microclimatic, sensorially and cognitively stimulating space for a variety of individual and collective, analog, media and digital interventions, reflections and activities. When viewed closely, the object forms an immersive time-space-light-human network that offers multi-layered levels of depth and, through interaction with solar geometry, constantly tells new things and allows new things to be discovered.

In der Nahbetrachtung bildet das Objekt ein immersives Zeit-Raum-Licht-Mensch-Geflecht, das vielschichtige Vertiefungsebenen anbietet und durch Interaktion mit Solargeometrie immer wieder von Neuem erzählt und Neues entdecken lässt.

Ein einfaches und großes Element, dessen Dach, Fläche, Scheibe den Einfall des Sonnenlichts blockiert und einen begehbaren, bespielbaren Raum schafft. Dieser mikroklimatische Raum ist abgedunkelt, kälter als die Umgebung; wer hochschaut, kann die Sonne nicht sehen. Dieser Bruch zwischen außen und innen schafft eine unmittelbare, niedrigschwellige physische Zugänglichkeit, schärft Instinkte und Sinne, regt die Aufnahmefähigkeit auf haptischer und kognitiver Ebene an. Das Zusammenwirken von Schatten und Licht ist für jeden Menschen fühlbar. Es öffnet auf physischer und metaphorischer Ebene Empfindens- und Verstehensräume, macht das Gespinst aus Topographie, Geschichte, Absenz, Universalität und sensueller Gegenwart greifbar.

Ein Konvexspiegel in der lichtblockenden Scheibe sammelt Sonnenlicht aus der reflektierten Umgebung und lässt Lichtstrahlen oder Lichtpools über den Boden oder den Verweilraum für Besucher:innen wandern. Durch diese vom Spiegel verursachten Lichtbewegungen können bestimmte historische Momente gegenwärtig gemacht werden.

Der konvexe Spiegel schafft Verbindung / Beziehung zwischen Denkmal, Objekt und Besucher und macht den Besucher zum Teil der Intervention – setzt ihn in Beziehung zu Denkmal, Person, Geschichte, Gegenwart, macht diese Interdependenzen bewusst und schafft so Räume für individuelle Neu-Kontextualisierungen.

Die „verzerrte“ Abbildung des konvexen Spiegels von Bismarckdenkmal und unmittelbarer Umgebung eröffnet universelle Reflexionsmöglichkeiten in der Betrachtung von Personen und geschichtlichen Ereignissen.

Mittelbau Dora Concentration Camp Memorial, Nordhausen

Mittelbau Dora Concentration Camp Memorial, Nordhausen

Redesign of the didactic access to the tunnel system Competition entry, 3rd place Our concept “points and lines” consists of two elements: points of information and lines of paths between them. This concept includes the didactic idea that the line of light guides the visitors and the information columns (points) mark the destinations. The information columns or information light sculptures convey the history and provide the guided tours with gathering points where visitors can receive visual information together and be explained together by the tour. The light lines are guiding elements that lead to these information points and at the same time illuminate the room. Both the information modules and the lighting differ significantly in their design from the original surroundings and thereby convey a distance to the original historical tunnel system. Since the exhibition elements are moved away from the walls and ceiling, they expose them or the entire surrounding space. We are pleased that we were able to achieve third place in this competition with numerous renowned participants. You can find our concept in detail here.

Columbia concentration camp memorial

Columbia concentration camp memorial

Artistic-architectural concept for marking and making the historical place visible The Columbia concentration camp was one of the first concentration camps during the Nazi era and was located on the northern edge of the Berlin Tempelhof airport site, which was demolished when it was built. With the aim of making the building and part of German history visible again in public space, the “Topography of Terror” foundation organized a design competition to which Ruairí O’Brien was invited to develop a proposal. Our heritage-protected and barrier-free concept is deliberately kept simple. The footprint and volume of the missing building are partially marked at the original location using a band made of Corten steel. This allows the entire area to be experienced in many different ways. Thanks to the striking bridge and the large gravel areas, the area can be perceived at different levels. As the viewer moves, his perspective changes and creates new spaces for thinking. The footbridge is at the same time a signal with a long-distance effect, which provides a clear reference to the memorial site and also offers the opportunity to explore the entire area. Sponsor: Topography of Terror Foundation Project partners: Slapa and the spatial planners

The Erich Kästner House for Literature, Dresden

The Erich Kästner House for Literature, Dresden

Renovation of the museum room The structural changes made it possible to comply with the distance regulations required during the Corona pandemic for visitors to the popular Dresden Literature Museum, so that museum operations could be secured during the pandemic. The previously heavily structured rooms of the Erich Kästner Museum, consisting of a cloakroom, hallway and exhibition room, were converted into a spacious museum room using our opening room concept. The entrance and exit of the museum were separated from each other in the new concept. The museum rooms were also redesigned according to Ruairí O’Brien’s color concept. Services: Building construction planning (overall planning, including statics) individual color concept Redesign of the museum rooms Planning / execution 2020 / 2021

Euthanasia information and memorial site, Berlin Tiergartenstrasse

Euthanasia information and memorial site, Berlin Tiergartenstrasse

Competition entry for the design competition for a memorial and information site for the victims of the National Socialist “euthanasia” murders at the site of the planning headquarters, Tiergartenstrasse 4 in Berlin. Starting from the core artistic idea of ​​creating a dialogue between the spatial expression for the memory of the victims, the sculptural “pool of tears” and the location of the perpetrators with the floor plan of the building at Tiergartenstrasse 4, both a mental and emotional approach to this is created “Euthanasia” murders possible. Sponsor: City of Berlin, 2012

Beirut Memorial

Beirut Memorial

“Pool of Remembrance” Memorial for the victims of the 2020 gas explosion International call to develop an architectural idea for a memorial in Beirut to mark the site of the tragic explosion in 2020. “Humans‘ need to confront death, tragedy and loss has given rise to great art, music, poetry and architecture. Burial chambers, cemeteries, memorial gardens and memorials reveal countless human stories to us. They reflect us, our time and our culture. As part of the healing process, we must close the wounds and care for the scars, leaving a mark for new beginnings. It is very challenging to create a place where people can feel a transition, an access to spirituality or just their own inner being, a place where they can find peace, whether through hope or through acceptance.“ Ruairí O ‚Brien, 2020

Unique Light Masts Freiberg

Unique Light Masts Freiberg

Obermarkt Freiberg Lighting concept for marketplace lighting The new market square lighting in Freiberg broke new ground in lighting planning in urban development. The unique light poles designed specifically for the historic Obermarkt Freiberg combine the technically functional object with the artistic light sculpture in their own duality. Innovative technology meets contemporary architecture, art meets science. In addition to illuminating the market square in the evening, the light poles (mirror projector system) can also be individually controlled or dimmed depending on usage requirements in public spaces. During the day, dichroic glasses in the upper mast act in a solar geometric interplay with the sun and bathe the market square in a subtle, lively play of colors. The light-architectural work of art tailor-made for the historic Obermarkt is completed by the lighting of the historic Otto fountain, the listed town hall facade as well as the water features and the unique granite seating furniture, also designed for the Obermarkt, which invite you to linger on the representative market square. The lighting of the Obermarkt Freiberg was nominated for elisa – the Saxony Energy Efficiency Prize 2014. With the nomination, the lighting of the Obermarkt Freiberg was recognized by the expert jury as a practical model and as a multipliable, tried and tested, sustainable and efficient example of Saxony or for Saxony as a corresponding incentive for Energy efficient solutions highlighted.